During the time I was serving Srila Gurudeva, there was a long period during which he would daily speak the same great personal teaching or maha-vakhya: “Sabāi bhālo, āmi kharab – all are good, I am bad.” Then he would turn around and ask us: “Isn’t it?” Often one devotee would answer, “Yes, Gurudev, all are good, I am bad.” He would then turn to that devotee and say, “Are you saying it from your lips or from your heart?” Then everyone would laugh. We all got his message. Of course, when you would take this maha-vakhya out of context, it could be misunderstood. It is not advocating that we should tolerate all kind of misbehavior - we have seen him chastise devotees. It is indicating what our internal mood should be, no matter what we do externally. Once, there was some serious misbehavior of one leading devotee and some other devotees at once flew in to consult with Guru-Maharaj about the measurements to be taken. To their surprise, Guru-Maharaj didn’t chastise that devot...