
Showing posts from July, 2021

He Takes Sheltered Devotees' Difficulties Upon Himself

A sādhu's  nature is para-dukha-dukhī , always unhappy to see the conditioned souls unhappy. Many times it has been seen that Gurudev's heart would melt hearing anyone speak about their difficulties and sufferings. He would take that upon Himself.  He is so compassionate that he readily gave up his small space to an aggrieved devotee so that they could stay comfortably.   Whether externally in gross vision or internally, he would take sheltered devotees' difficulties upon himself. We have to remember that this point relates to sheltered devotees. āśraya laiyā bhaje, kṛṣṇa nāhi tāre tyaje [Song 43— Vaiṣṇava-mahimā  Śrīla Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura] Translation: "One who takes āśraya , the shelter of a devotee, Kṛṣṇa does not give him up. Kṛṣṇa accepts him." * So also, āśraya laiyā bhaje tāre, Gurudeva nāhi tyaje . He is so compassionate that even one who acts as though having taken shelter, he accepts them too, makes them his own.  This no o...

He Is the Sun in the Gaudiya Sky

We are all very fortunate that by Gurudeva's mercy we are at the shelter of his lotus feet.  Our Gurudeva is wonderful, one without a second. There is no one equal to or greater than him and He is an incomparable treasure of good qualities: adbhuta, (marvelous), advitīya (without a second), asamordhva (no one is equal to Him). Whatever qualities of sadhu and guru that scriptures sing, our Gurudev is the embodiment of them all. While it is natural that the disciples sing the glories of their Gurudev, it becomes special when his guru-varga sings the glories of our most worshipful Guru Maharaj. Param Pujyapad Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Dev Maharaj, Param Pujyapad Bhakti Kumud Sant Maharaj and others blessed him. Once when I was in Vrndavan, our Guru Maharaj and Srila Bhakti Pramod Puri Gosvami Maharaj were also in the maṭha along with their associates. At that time, Srila Bhakti Pramod Puri Gosvami Maharaj who is one of the most prominent disciples of Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhantha S...

He Treats Those Who Act As Enemies as Though They Are His Friends

It is only the Lord who can give love and become friends with those who act like His enemies. Our position is we do not want to see even the face of those who become our enemies, we turn our face from them. This is the nature of the conditioned souls. Enmity takes birth from pride. Tṛṇād api sunīcena taror api sahiṣṇunā amāninā māna-den ; to give respect to enemies and become friends with them is very difficult. When I was made the maṭh-in-charge at Mayapur maṭh, I asked Guruji some questions: how can I adjust with many sevaks who have different natures? A maṭh-in-charge is supposed to be inclusive of all the sevaks and carry out various sevas smoothly, but how is it possible? It is very difficult even in a household life to see adjustments between family members. Guruji told me, "Your sacrifice should be a hundred percent, meaning even if someone grudges you, becomes your enemy, you should not have enmity towards him; your behavior should be like that of a friend. If someone is a...

He Preaches With His Conduct

To follow the conduct of pure devotees of the Lord is essential.  When Pujyapad (Bhakti Pramod) Puri Gosvami Maharaj was speaking harikathā , a foreign devotee (Nrsimha Maharaj) placed a tape recorder in front of him.  Puri Gosvami Maharaj asked him what it was.  He replied that it was a tape recorder.  Then Maharaj asked, "What does it do?"  He knows everything, but still, he asked.  He explained that it records your kathā simultaneously, which we can hear again later.  Then Puri Gosvami Maharaj made a gesture indicating his heart region and said, "You record it here. There is no benefit of recording on the tape recorder.  If you really want eternal benefit, you have to record it in the heart."   Guruji was in Agartala for Kartik-vrat during the year of Mahaprabhu's five hundredth appearance anniversary. A photographer was called to take Guruji's photo for the local newspaper.  Before taking the photo, the photographer asked G...