Absolute Shelter of Guru-sevā

Earlier, we used to have the maṭha in a rented house at Rashbihari Avenue, Kolkata. Our Guru Mahārāja [Śrī Śrīmad Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāja] used to call Kṛṣṇa Ballabha's name always and as soon as he was called, he would leave aside every other activity, including eating, to respond to him. In this way, he would serve Guru Mahārāja.

I still remember an incident that took place in front of my eyes. One day, Mahārāja needed to go to a government office at 11am. Pūjyapāda Keśava Prabhu and asked him where he was going.

He replied, "As per the order of Guru Mahārāja, I am going to an office for some work." 

"It is nearly 11 AM, time for the bhoga to be offered to Ṭhākurajī, You should take prasādam before leaving," they said.

“How can I take prasādam before all of you take? Also, the time I need to be there in the office as per the order of Gurudeva is approaching," Kṛṣṇa Ballabha Brahmacārī said.

Despite his argument, they insisted that he should take prasādam. Just to follow their order, he sat down and started taking.

At that time, Guru Mahārāja came and asked him, “Kṛṣṇa Ballabha, haven’t you gone to the office yet?” That was that! He stopped eating any further. 

Guru Mahārāja told him, “Finish your meal.” But Mahārāja could not eat any further. 

He started crying, incessantly thinking, “I left the service of Guru Mahārāja for serving my stomach?”

Just think of his state! I personally witnessed this incident. He did not eat any further, but immediately left for serving Guru Mahārāja.

Whenever Guru Mahārāja used to call him for any service, he was instantly ready to perform it. Such was his dedication toward our Guru Mahārāja.

—Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣaka Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja (2012)


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