He Gave You the Mantras, Not Me

Dīkṣā was the only occasion when just you and Guru Mahārāja are there. He was giving the mantras and I was chanting. There were a few words that were repeated in many mantras. I was thinking, what is this word that is repeated in many mantras?

While he was speaking, Guru Mahārāja stopped and said, "Do you want to know what is the meaning of this word?"

That was the first time I realized that whatever is in your heart, Guru Mahārāja knows that exactly.

After the dīkṣā ceremony, Guru Mahārāja came out and was watering tulasī. Because I was pregnant, I was standing at a distance; I didn't want to stay in the crowd. Guru Mahārāja smiled at me. Afterward, he came and spoke to me. I couldn't believe he came because I was standing away from others.

He said, “Did you get dīkṣā today?”

I said, “Yes.”

“Did you get dīkṣā mantras?”

I said, “Yes.”

He said, “Who has given you dīkṣā mantras?

I said, “I got them from you.”

He said, “No, no, no,” and pointed at Paramā-gurudeva’s room.

“You got dīkṣā mantras from him. He has given this service to me. He has given dīkṣā mantras to me, to you, to all of us. You perform these dīkṣā mantras properly, then Gurudeva will be pleased, and then I will also be pleased. Isn't it?”

Now sometimes when I am not performing properly, I remember this instruction that if I do it properly, Paramā-gurudeva will be pleased and then also Gurudeva will also be pleased.

Then also for the first time, I saw the love that Gurudeva has for Paramā-gurudeva. I have seen the intensity, love, and reverence with which he goes inside of Paramā-gurudeva's room.

I feel that whatever love and affection I have for Gurudeva is nothing in front of what Gurudeva has for Paramā-gurudeva. The love that Gurudeva has for Paramā-gurudeva is beyond words and speech.

—Rukmiṇī Dāsi 


  1. Oh krishna!
    Its so touching
    No comparison of our most revered gurudev. He is such a great personality.
    Ohe guru tav sri charan|
    Seviyen ami janam janam||


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