Leaving the Seat for Guru-varga

Gurudeva gave his full heart and mind to everything he did. He was very, very alert. I have seen so many times that whenever we used to do parikramā, Guru Mahārāja was dancing and singing and suddenly he stopped to offer daṇḍavat praṇām and said, "One vaiṣṇava is coming." 

If even one tridaṇḍī svāmī was seen, even from afar, Guru Mahārāja was always seen bowing down.

There was one Rāmanavamī Vyāsa-puja going on in Kolkata Library and Guru Mahārāja was sitting on the vyāsāsana while we were observing puja

Suddenly, he got up from there and offered daṇḍavat praṇām because there was one senior godbrother, Dāmodara Mahārāja from Kṛṣṇanagar, that had just entered. Seeing this, he left his vyāsāsana and stopped the puja.

Sant Gosvāmī Mahārāja always sat on a chair. Guru Mahārāja would never sit on a chair in front of him, he sat on the floor. Whenever I have seen one guru-varga entering Guru Mahārāja’s room, Guru Mahārāja always immediately got up. 

—Rasabihārī Dāsa, Jammu


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