Perfectly Established in Real Humility

Guru Mahārāja always said, "You are acting as a guru because you are sitting in front of me, and that is forcing me to think about Mahāprabhu and speak. That is what my Guru Mahārāja ordered, and you are facilitating that; this is gurukārya." Gurukārya means the work of the guru which you are doing. 

I also heard Guru Mahārāja say on Rāmanavamī day that His Guru Mahārāja said, "Śiṣyas also act as a guru because they are always observing the activities of their guru; sometimes their guru may forget ānhika, so the śiṣya will tell Gurudeva it's ānhika time."

This was the first time I heard this kind of statement from someone on such a level. Basically for Gurudeva, humanity is not something that was purified, it was as natural as the ego. He was perfectly established in the highest principles but he never feels himself as Gurudeva. He always thinks of himself as a disciple of his Gurudeva. He has a lot of love towards his Gurudeva due to which he was performing all these līlās

—Rasabihārī Dāsa, Jammu


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