Trusting in Sri Guru's Protection

After I joined math, I got a letter from my father. I asked Guru Maharaj if I can reply.
He said, "No. If you reply, you will go home. You will not be able to stay in Math."
My heart was floundering. After a few days, I got another letter. My mind got disturbed. I went to Guru Maharaj.

He said, "I told you already if you reply, you will not be able to stay here."

Some days later, about 32 - 34 persons from my village came there to Hazra Road (Kolkata) in search of me. I was sent by Guru Maharaj to another place. I did not understand the reason at the time. They searched for me, there but did not find me.

They made all the arrangements for my marriage. They wanted to take me and get married. Guruji asked one devotee to take me to the station. I was surprised why Guruji wanted me to go all of a sudden. If those persons had seen me, it would have been difficult for me.

—Gurudeva's words translated by Prahlad Das (2010)



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