Śrīla Purī Goswāmī Mahārāj's Letter of Blessing to Preach Abroad

All Glory to Sree Guru & Gauranga
Sree Gopinath Gaudiya Math
Regd. Under Act XXVI of 1961 (W.B.)

Ishodyan, P.O. Sree Mayapur
Dist. Nadia (West Bengal)
Pin: 741313 India


Object of my affection (Bhakti Ballabh Tīrtha) Mahārāj,

You are the son of my Godbrother Pūjyapād Mādhav Mahārāj, endowed with his affection, so I am also sending you affectionate greetings.  I felt extremely pleased upon learning of your preaching program. Śrīla Prabhupād is Śrīman Mahāprabhu's associate and Pūjyapād Mādhav Mahārāj is Śrīla Prabhupād's own person; the recipient of his extreme affection. Likewise, you are the manifestation of Pūjyapād Mādhav Mahārāj's affection. By the strength of the mercy of Śrī Śrī Guru & Gaurāṅga, even at this advanced age, you are making the impossible happen.  

The direct evidence of Śrī Śrī Jagannāth Dev's extreme mercy upon Pūjyapād Mādhav Mahārāj is shining forth in Purī Dhām.  He constructed an elevated temple in my most worshipable Śrīla Prabhupād’s birthplace, along with a gathering hall, a lovely gateway, servitors' quarters, etc. These devotional contributions are reverentially remembered by the entire Sāraswat Gauḍīẏa Vaiṣṇav world each morning. Moreover, in Yaśṙā, Āgartalā, and other places, he established the ongoing opulent service of Śrī Jagannāth.

As Pūjyapād Mādhav Mahārāj's right hand, you have enhanced the effulgence of his services. This has bestowed many affectionate blessings upon you from Śrī Bhagavān and His own associates, the guruvarga. While singing your victory song from the core of my heart, I am praying for your long life endowed with service capacity.  The divine utterance from the lotus lips of the Personality of Godhead and Supreme Controller of countless millions of universes is:

pṛthivī paryanta yata nagarādi grām
sarvatra prachār haibe mora nām
—Śrī Chaitanya Bhāgavat: Antya-khaṇḍa 4.126

“In every town and village extending across the earth, the preaching of My name shall be preached.” 

Kṛṣṇa is unendingly empowering you to preach His Name, Form, Qualities, and Pastimes in His dearmost Bhāratavarṣa (India) from the ocean to the Himālayas. It is now His desire that the divine instructions spoken by Him are preached by you in His own Western world. Hence, this has been made known to you through the righteous people of Jammu and elsewhere.  

My firm belief is that Śrī Guru, Gaurāṅga, and Kṛṣṇa Themselves will empower you to preach without obstruction. Otherwise, why would this kind of urge awaken in the hearts of the good people?  However, to those who express enthusiasm to take you abroad, I have one special request for them: that they carry a good loudspeaker, so that your speech is clearly and loudly voiced.  This will also greatly lighten your effort, as in old age everyone's voice becomes feeble and speech becomes unclear.  

Your style of reflecting upon the statements of scripture is extremely beautiful.  If the audience can hear your words clearly voiced, they will be greatly benefitted. The cold in Western countries is severe. Careful measures must be taken so that your health remains hearty when suddenly going from a warm country into the cold.  Also, be careful in matters of eating and so forth.

The lotus feet of Śrī Guru are protecting and will protect you everywhere and in every way – of this there is no doubt.  When Śrīla Bhaktivinod Ṭhākur, Śrīla Prabhupād, and Mahāprabhu Himself all desire to extend the preaching of the divine instructions of their lotus lips everywhere in the world, then they themselves will certainly protect you—this is indeed my belief. Even after your Gurudev's disappearance, you experience his manifest pastimes with every step you take. If you go on holding their lotus feet on your head, all your obstacles will be removed—of this there is no doubt.

Inform those traveling with you ahead of time to report each day's preaching activities so that they may be published in Śrī Chaitanya Vāṇī.

Mahārāj, in conclusion, let me tell you about my lack of good fortune.  Since being affected by pneumonia last year in July, I have become like some kind of unproductive speechless person. It's true that I sit taking up a book as was my former habit, but my brain seems to have become disordered.  From time to time, tears come to my eyes. I am very unfortunate. Please pray for me to the lotus feet of Śrī Śrī Hari-Guru-Vaiṣṇavas.  My body and mind are not well.

I am sincerely praying for the mercy of all Vaiṣṇavas along with you. May you always and in every way be glorified.  I submit my prayer from the core of my heart at the feet of the Lord and His own persons, Guru and Vaiṣṇavas, that you remain in devotional well-being.


Śrī Bhakti Pramod Purī

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