The Beauty in His Sublime Simplicity

Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj was firmly committed to carry out the orders of his Gurudeva and serve him. He never wavered from this oath. I realized this when I was offering service for the purpose of recovering the appearance place of Srila Prabhupada called Narayan Chata in 1973. 

In order to follow the instructions of our Gurudev precisely to each and every single letter, he would tirelessly endeavor amidst hot sun, storm, and rain. One should learn how to serve Guru with complete dedication from him. He has followed this his entire life.

We went to many places with him for preaching activities. Some of us were his companions in the first preaching tour after the disappearance of our Guru Maharaj in February 1979. I was also present then. I went to many places with him for preaching purposes. 

I have not seen any parallel to him when it comes to singing kirtan with intense absorption and steadfastness. His Harikatha used to be in a simple, lucid, and simultaneously beautiful language so that all kinds of listeners can easily understand. Even his writings were simple and beautiful. 

He would give me articles to publish in Sree Chaitanya Vani. Later I published some of them as books. I learned presswork from Pujyapada Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, Parampujyapad Puri Goswami Maharaj, and Sree Jagamohan Prabhu.

—Sri Bhakti Baridhi Paribrajak Maharaj

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