His Utmost Respect for Elders Was Seen from an Early Age

Among all the brothers and sisters, Mahārāja was of a completely different nature right from his birth. He used to be absorbed in divine feelings, limited in speaking, simple, gentle, grave, straightforward, detached from material objects, and had no interest in material enjoyment. It could be easily understood from his activities that he is not a person of this material world.

He would never argue with elders. Even if he was not at fault, he would not show any disagreement with them. He would quietly listen to their chastisement. In this manner, he was highly obedient and devoted to the elderly. He was also equally affectionate and caring for the younger kids; he would guide us and correct our mistakes immediately. 

The elders said he would quietly listen with his head down as they spoke. He would neither speak in a raised voice nor raise his head in front of them. Not only that, he would not tolerate anybody disrespecting elders. He would immediately discipline us whenever we acted improperly.

We did not know that he used to go to Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāja. He never told anyone about that. Undoubtedly he was the most devoted and obedient child of our father and he did not know anything except our father's love.

Such a loyal son left the father and joined Mādhava Mahārāja! It is impossible to understand the magnitude of attraction he had towards Mādhava Mahārāja.

—Smt. Gita Majumdar, (younger sister of Śrīla Gurudeva)

(previously published)


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