His Attention to Fine Details

When I was serving in the maṭha, I worked outside of his room on my laptop sometimes.
Gurudeva saw me and asked, "Do you know typing? Can you type a letter for me?

I told him I could do it, and he dictated what he wanted me to write. It was regarding some land next to the Dehradun maṭha that belonged to one of our god sisters. Gurudeva wanted to purchase that land and our god-sister also wanted to sell it.

When he was dictating, I was shocked to discover that he not only knows not only spiritual matters, but also all about legal matters, financial matters, and every other aspect of business— he was a spiritual CEO! Each and every instruction he gave was not only spiritually but materially perfect. He was explaining how the land could be acquired, how to give the funds to that Mātājī—everything.

Once I was translating Dasavatar. The Hindi translation is slightly tough and a little cryptic. I translated it with a bit of a whim.

Gurudeva told, "You have to understand this concept. When they were churning the ocean, Kurmadeva's felt it was scratching his itch. He took deep breaths as if he were sleeping. The waves you see in the ocean today are the aftereffect of Kurmadeva's deep breaths."

There was also a translation regarding Nṛsiṁha-avatāra, and again I translated it incorrectly. Gurudeva explained it to me, correcting my English.

He said, "Each avatāra is Kṛṣṇa's incarnation, yet they have an eternal dhāma also. All the avatāras have an eternal position."

Gurudeva placed a very fine emphasis on each and every detail so that the philosophical meaning should not be changed.

—Hariprasāda Dāsa


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