Not to Disturb Anyone

I have met many Maharajas, but our Gurudev is most humble. When in the West, he was very open. Anyone could come to him at anytime without asking anyone's permission. He was very available for us.

When Guruji was giving initiation, he was doing everything on his own. First, he was offering guru-puja, then he delivered a long Harikatha and made us understand each and everything from beginning to end.

Finally, he said, "Now offer dandavats to our Gurudev." He never said that he is a Guru. He always offered us to his Guruji.

I organized a program. It was in a mill that was renovated and made into a big apartment that we rented. The owner and his 80-year-old mother were living downstairs. There was a big kirtan. The owner was frightened by the noise and came up to express his displeasure.

Gurudev told us after that not to do loud kirtan.

When we were planning for next year's program, Gurudev asked, "Will we be allowed for next year?"

He never thought himself to be a devotee or servant of God. He would always be humble. He didn't want to disturb anyone in the world – not even one person or animal.

Once, in India, we went with him to railway station.

Guru Maharaj told, "Don't forget to buy a ticket."

He would always be very careful not to do anything which is against the order of this world. Before, I used to sometimes think of breaking some rules while driving, for example. After I met Guru Maharaj, I can no longer think of breaking any rule, not just while driving, but any rule in the world. He always taught us like this.

—Tungavidya Dasi, Slovenia


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