Scorching Heat Is No Match for His Lotus Feet

After our Guru Mahārāja disappeared, Śrīla Tirtha Mahārāja served the maṭha untiringly and did not let the mission deviate an iota from pure devotional principles. 

We had seen Mahārāja doing kirtan at a stretch for 2 to 3 hours while performing nagara- saṅkīrtana. Whenever we traveled even for a short distance, we needed a car, but Tirtha Mahārāja would go barefoot. 

On the way to Narasiṃhapali, just after the area inhabited by the Muslims, there lies a banyan tree where it is nearly impossible to place one's foot on the street due to the burning heat. Others got blisters under their feet, but Mahārāja came there barefoot. 

We started wondering where his kharam (wooden slippers) were. I asked Mahārāja to wear his pair of kharam, but he would not.  One would want to go by car in that scorching heat, but Śrīla Tirtha Mahārāja arrived there barefoot.

In such a state, he was performing such an amazing kīrtana at a stretch right from the beginning until the end of the parikramā. What a gaze in his eyes! In this way, the kīrtana continued for 2 to 3 hours.

– Sri Bhakti Prasād Bhikshu Mahārāja (Śrīla Gurudeva's Godbrother)


  1. We are extraordinarl
    y blessed to have BLESSINGS OF GURUDEV

    1. Yes, prabhu. Inconceivable mercy has descended upon us in his beloved form.


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