Visiting Sadhus Foresee His Glorious Future

A sadhu came to our house when Maharaj was very young and told, "This boy will not enter family life. If you wish to contain him in the household you have to get him married as soon as he finishes his education and gets employment, otherwise, he will leave the house."

The sadhu also said that if he does indeed leave the house, the entire earth planet will be benefitted.

-Arindam Guharoy - Son of Gurudeva's younger brother, became a disciple in 2007.

Gurudeva delivering Harikatha in Janmastan, Goalpara (Assam)

One time a sannyasi came to our house when Guru Maharaj was a child. He told my father-in-law that the child would not get married or remain with the family and that he would become very famous in this world. He clearly said that it would be impossible to contain Maharaj within family life.

-Arati Guharoy - Gurudeva's younger brother's wife


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