His Advice for Maintaining Peace in the Maṭha

Once I told that in Delhi Maṭha, there were so many quarrels and disputes. Then Gurudeva said, "Whenever you think that whatever I think should happen, then you will not be pleased.  If you think that whatever happens, I should adjust with that, then you can stay in the maṭha.”

This way Gurudeva showered so much grace on me.  Even now, I look into the eyes of Guru Mahārāja and think, "oh, he's going to speak now, he's going to speak now." My heart hankers for that smile of Guru Mahārāja. Even now I long for that.

Whenever I used to come, Guru Mahārāja would say, "Oh, how are you, when did you come?" Even now when I come, those words are ringing in my ears.

-Śrī Bhakti Viveka Narasiṃha Mahārāja

Translation from Hindi by Śrī Bhakti Suhrid Paramadvati Mahārāja


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