His Merciful Reminders

I would like to share an experience from 2007. During my first M. Tech examinations, my friend and I went together for darśana. She was on one side and I was on the other side. We told Gurudeva that it was time for our exams.

Gurudeva looked at me on the other side and said, "Before exams, one has to study."

That particular semester, I did not study at all but I never told anybody! How could he know? After that, I studied and somehow passed my exams.

I also remember I asked Gurudeva a question: "How can we develop śaraṇāgati to Bhagavan?" 

He said, "Ei gulo diye habe na," by these material sense organs, nothing will happen. 

Then he said, “If I look upon these buildings with my eyes closed, I will not see anything." 

Finally, he spoke the verse granthera ārambhe kari maṅgalācaraṇa.

A few days later, I asked, "How can one remember them?" (Guru, Vaiṣṇava, Bhagavan, as instructed in the above verse from Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Adi 1.20) 

He said, "yader saraṇagati hay, tader mane pare:" those who have śaraṇāgati can remember them.

—Bijoyini, Kolkata


  1. Please explain the meaning of "granther arambhe kari mangalacharan."
    I do not know it's meaning.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you for this good question for the benefit of all readers. You can read the whole verse starting here: http://www.vedabase.com/en/cc/adi/1/20
      By remembering these 3: Sri Guru, Vaisnavas, and Bhagavan, we get their blessings.
      Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami has written this and it is repeated throughout Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita as a prayer for their grace to come upon him while he narrates their glories.


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