His Soothing Effulgence

One time I came to Chandigarh to meet Guru Mahārāja right after Kārtika. His sevāks said, “No, actually, Guru Mahārāja is tired now. Kārtika is finished, so there is no more darśana.”

But then they said, “No, no, okay, come. Guru Mahārāja’s darśana is open.” 

When they opened the door, the whole room was so bright and effulgent and Guru Mahārāja was sitting there with a smile on his face. And I was so happy, so relieved to see him; it was like a shower of relief after burning in the sun of the West. 

I sat at his lotus feet and I said, “Guru Mahārāja, I feel so lonely, you’re so far away, I don’t have your association.” 

Guru Mahārāja looked a little confused. He looked at me and said, “You are never alone. Kṛṣṇa is always in your heart.” 

I said, “But Guru Mahārāja, I feel so far away, please give me your blessings.” 

And Guru Mahārāja said so humbly, “Okay, I will pray to Guru-varga for you.” 

He is never taking the position of guru, always the position of a servant. His whole life is an example. I realize that his glories are just so unlimited, and the more we speak, the more I feel enlivened; it is so wonderful. 

—Revatī Dāsi, France

Srila Gurudeva speaks with Revati dasi while her children Kamala Manjari and Ishan take prasad.


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