His Sweet Surprises During Kartik at Ludhiana, 2010

By causeless mercy of Our Most Revered Srila Gurudev, the Kartik-Vrat at Ludhiana started yesterday. To our surprise, only shortly after our arrival, Srila Gurudev suddenly joined evening Harikatha and spoke for more than an hour, during which He gave an introduction to Gajendra-Moksha dialogue in the 8th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.

Srila Gurudev expressed His desire to participate in the Nagar sankirtan this morning. He woke up and got ready when we entered His room and said that He wants to join the Nagar sankirtan for a very small distance. Devotees could not control their emotions when they heard this and became blissful. Pujyapad Madhusudan Maharaj lead the kirtan with "Jai dau Jai dau" while Srila Gurudev lead the devotees for about 50 m distance. Later, devotees danced in front of Srila Gurudev and proceeded further, while Srila Gurudev went back to His room.

Another surprise came with Srila Gurudev's arrival at the house of Sri Anil Dave Prabhu, where Nagar kirtan ended. The atmosphere was electrifying as they washed the transcendental Lotus Feet of our Gurudev and performed arati. Later Srila Gurudev spoke for 10 mins in which He emphasized that we should remember Guru-Vaishnav-Bhagavan always.

—excerpted from a report distributed by Prahlad Das to devotees via e mail, dated 10/19/10


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