His Kirtan Transcends Time and Space

Words cannot begin to describe the immense good fortune I had to host a kīrtan event for Śrīla Bhakti Ballabha Tīrtha Gosvāmī Mahārāja at an āśrama I was staying at in Hawaii. It was a kīrtan to end all kīrtans! 

The divine atmosphere in his presence was full of sweetness. My heart was experiencing a dawning of nectar in his more than divine association. Adding to this surcharged atmosphere was the chanting of Bhūtabhāvana Prabhu, his kindhearted disciple whose voice emulated a purity that was more than delightful, and a soulful resonance that was deeply soul-stirring.

As the evening went on, I felt like we were literally transported into a transcendental realm of incredible bliss, a sweetness beyond human conception—as if we were swimming in a vast ocean of pure honey-like bliss, an immersion that was manifesting due to his inconceivable holy presence; literally opening up the flood gates of the transcendental world of Goloka Vṛndāvana that was manifesting in this dimension. To say that this was a most breathtakingly otherworldly experience would be putting it mildly.

It is stated in holy scriptures that the transcendental realms of the Lord are present wherever his pure saintly devotee is and this was the reality before me! To this day, I can still not comprehend the incredible good fortune I had of having had this experience.

As I recount this mind-boggling, blissful atmosphere that manifested around him that day, my heart is humbled, and I pray that I can somehow capture a glimpse of this miraculous event with words.

After this epic experience with His Most Divine Holiness Gurudeva, I asked my longtime, dear friend if he too had this experience, and he confirmed the divine occurrence that had taken place.

I was able to have his personal darśana earlier that day. He was with a small entourage in a lovely room. I sat at his feet gazing up at him. I was thinking If I could just tune into his vibration, there would be some nice nectar there knowing that he was of such a high caliber of sainthood. 

Truly I did not expect to experience anything, as I am just an aspirant on this noble path, but then to my surprise, I was overwhelmed when I saw this vast light so bright I could no longer see his form. 

Needless to say, I was extraordinarily humbled at such a profound sight. I could sense that he was not there, that his soul had transcended into the ocean of all that is, the perfection of all worlds, the origin that all has manifested from.

It would be some great miraculous mercy if I could one day see him again. There are a few other Gurudevas that I had such good fortune to experience such holiness with. My heart is filled with extreme gratitude for having met such a brilliantly illuminated, godly soul!

—Hlādinī-śakti Devī Dāsi, Hawaii


  1. Hare Krishna, So inspiring, only sincere and blessed soul can have that kind of experience. Jai. Keep blessing.


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