His Gentle Way of Conveying a Message

I used to prepare food for Gurudev. So I prepared 2-3 dishes and 2 dishes from Thakurji’s bhog and arranged nicely on a silver plate with small bowls. When I learned how to serve, part of that was to learn how to arrange Thakurji's plate properly—left side some bitter thing, then dal, some sabjis, then dry sabji direct in the plate, salt, lemon, chili—all things to be arranged nicely. I prepared bitter gourd, cucumber, and one leafy vegetable. We prepare according to Guruji’s health requirements. Guruji had some sugar issues, so we give bitter gourd also.

I tasted it a bit for salt and found it good. Then I prepared green papaya, cutting it nicely and seasoned with cumin and other spices, and in the end adding some ginger also to give fragrance. I arranged it nicely in Guruji’s plate. whenever I came with plate I had told Guruji he had to leave his writing and get up—otherwise, the food would get cold and not taste good.

When I went in with the plate, Guruji was dictating something and Acharya Maharaj was writing. Getting the indication, Acharya Maharaj left the room and I arranged asan for Guruji. Guruji came from the washroom and found papaya had less salt than required.

He asked me to sit before him. He was eating and giving little to me to taste. First Thakurji’s prasad and then papaya. Then I realized salt is less in papaya. I said, "Oh, no salt in papaya!" But Guruji just told me," It's OK."

I realized how Guruji is teaching me by his conduct. Instead of shouting and asking why there was no salt in this and why I prepared it like that, he was giving me everything to taste and making me realize my mistake, not speaking and making me feel upset or bad about what I have done. This is Guruji’s way to convey the message so that other person is not disturbed or upset, but still the message reaches him.

That is Guruji’s way— very polite, very dear. See the mercy of Gurudev! He is eating himself and giving to me, eating and giving, eating and giving – so much mercy he is giving. That is the nature of Gurudev. I am so fortunate.

—Anantaram Das, Kolkata

 Anantaram Prabhu (arms raised) stands next to Srila Gurudev


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