His Small But Powerful Ways of Encouraging Us

Gurudev used to come out in Goalpara and give darshan. He used to sometimes close his eyes when the parikrama was happening, but when he faced the sun, his eyes were open. Prahlad Prabhu gave one saying: "the sun is seeing another sun." All the devotees got this darshan. He was blessing all of us.

If you have a sincere desire, and you are putting efforts, then Gurudev will immediately respond. Somehow or other he will respond. In 2011, I was in Mayapur. Then I came to Kolkata. Gurudev used to come to the library to do his Tulasi puja. I came and he also told me, "Oh, abh bhi ageya?" This means, Oh, you have come? It was very touching. As if to tell us, oh you don't worry. Just put your sincere efforts, I will take care of everything.

—Purushottam Das (Pravin)


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