His Teachings Continue To Be Reflected

Once I watched a daily online darshan of Gurudev. Everything was as usual—the devotees sang kirtan, and Gurudev was in His room behind a glass door. My heart was very sad by the fact that for a long time it is impossible for me to come to the Math and meet Gurudev and the devotees. Then Gurudev gave me special darshan.

He seemed to have changed my angle of view, and I began to perceive reality differently. Gurudev was majestically sitting in His chair behind the glass door, and all the devotees sitting in the outside facing room reflected in the glass door. The reflection showed that they were all inside Gurudev. Then new devotees came, sat down, and also reflected and appeared inside Gurudev. The devotees kept increasing, but they all fit inside Gurudev.

Immediately I got the idea, Gurudev, you yourself are Narayana! I just marveled at what is happening. At the end of darshan, I mentally asked Gurudev, where is Krishna? And I did not have to wait for an answer for a long time.

During the final sound of the kirtan, “Nitai Gaura Haribol," the glass door opened and the reflection of all the devotees disappeared. Gurudev appeared together then with two devotees who cared for him with love and care.

My heart felt exalted as understood that Gurudev first showed and His Aishwarya and His Madhurya. That day I realized very clearly that there are no barriers for the Guru, He can give awareness and explain tattva in very unexpected ways!

—Krishna Dasi, Russia


  1. wonderful.realization..but still I desire to see him in his previous lila ...Jaya Gurudev

  2. Thank you very much for sharing your profound realisations


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