His Perfect Example on Parikramā

Mahābhāgavats come to encourage us and show us the path that is our only goal. We belonged here from before a time we can remember. Guru Mahārāj joined the Mission in 1947 and up to the time our maṭh was established by Śrīla Param Gurudeva, Guru Mahārāj was staying at Caitanya Maṭh with Param Gurudeva. Guru Mahārāj said we are also originally belonging to Caitanya Maṭh.

Our saṅkīrtana party used to sit and take prasād in the open under so many trees. From there we used to go to Śrīvas Angan and then Kazi Samādhi. 

Guru Mahārāj was worried about when it was going to become dark as many people could be lost along the way. I remember from Kazi Samādhi that everyone was tired. After prostrating, many were feeling like catching a rickshaw since we had been going on foot the whole day.

Then I remember Guru Mahārāj getting up with his tridaṇḍa in hand. He started singing, "Haribol, bolo bhai" and he started running to the maṭh using the fastest stretch from Kazi Samādhi to our maṭh, nonstop. But when we reached the maṭh, I saw only one-fifth of the people following.

Only those who followed the saṅkīrtan could reach the maṭh. but the saṅkīrtan did not stop when reaching the maṭh. Devotees performed kīrtan before Sandhyā-ārati and rigorously engaged in mandir parikramā. Then there would be paṭh kīrtan and Guru Mahārāj was also there.

Guru Mahārāj was present the whole time. He knew that if he did not go, others also would not. So those people also came. Actually, for Gurudev doing parikramā was the observation of strict vrat. He followed certain rules perfectly and would not do anything differently; this was very special. 

—Rāsavihārī Das


  1. Being Rasaviharidas"s sister I am witness to all such pastimes although being the youngest in the family and due to pressue of education I did not get so many opportunities to visit Mayapur but could listen to Gurudevs lilas later on from him.

    Hari Bol!!!


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