His Nature is Like That of Lord Rāmachandra
Śrīla Bhakti Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Mahārāj appeared on the day of Rāmanavamī, the appearance day of Lord Rāmachandra. Rāmachandra is Maryādā Puruṣottama, an incarnation of the principle of honoring the established order. I have seen in his entire character how he gives due respect and honor to everyone like Lord Rāma did. Rāmachandra's nature and Bhakti Ballabh Tīrtha Gosvāmī Mahārāj's nature are the same.
I have seen how he was always respectful towards his godbrothers and how he taught this to his disciples also. This is an exemplary teaching to give due respect to everyone. It is also my personal feeling that his teachings are most valuable for the Vaiṣṇava community, especially amongst our societies as well as all of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu's Mission.
Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura gave the instructions to us that in order to chant happily, we have to keep due respect to all vaiṣṇavas, and Śrīla Bhakti Ballabh Tīrtha Gosvāmī Mahārāj is an embodiment of that example. He was not discriminating against who is coming from which society, rather he has given shelter to everyone.
During the first five years of my renounced order of life, I was staying under his shelter. Because of his teachings, I am able to follow the path of the vaiṣṇavas. He has taught me how to follow the mission of Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Although Śrīla Bhakti Ballabh Tīrtha Gosvāmī Mahārāj was in the role of a President, I have seen in his nature that he is so humble.
I recall that around 1993 in Kolkata Maṭha that there was a shortage of persons for service. I observed Mahārāj coming down from the 2nd floor to the ground floor to clean the cooking pots himself. I requested Mahārāj with folded hands to please leave it and that we would do it. He humbly offered me the service and I felt blessed that I was among the fortunate ones who were offered service regardless of my position in society. He was giving us a perfect example—showing us that no matter which post we are in, it is most important to render service to our Divine Couple perfectly.
Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Mahārāj's kirtan was such an exalted kirtan for all of us because from the core of his heart, he was always singing kirtan—such a strong and powerful kirtan! It was so attractive for all of us. Everybody felt enthusiastic to follow in his footsteps while he was chanting kirtan.
I have also seen that he gave us the example that before discourses we should pray to all the parampara. It was like he is praying in such a manner that all the parampara is actually descending to him and he is not actually speaking but the parampara is directly inspiring him to speak.
In such a way he is teaching us that we should not be like a platform speaker, but we should try to speak as per the order of our parampara. Throughout his entire life, I have seen him exemplifying how to follow the path of our tradition in every aspect. I respect his teachings and feel fortunate to have been close with him in previous years. His exemplary practice of Vaiṣṇavism is helping me to carry the mission of Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
Affectionately Yours,
Bhakti Vibudha Bodhāyana
offered on 91st Vyasa Puja (2015)
Jaya Gurudeva
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