He Brings Srivas Angan to Kolkata

I reflect on how the devotees and disciples of HDG Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Gosvami Maharaj were united in Sankirtana of the holy names of the Lord and recitations of Lord's pastimes with His devotees from scriptures like Srimad Bhagavata Purana and Chaitanya Bhagavata etc. With intense devotion, crying out from their hearts and with intense love of their Gurudev, they are calling out to Lord Hari and the previous Acaryas through Kirtan and prayers.

Shri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math in Kolkata presided over by their Lordships Shri Shri Radha Nayana Nath jiu is verily non different from Shri Shrivas Angan wherein Shri Shri Gadadhara Gauranga preside over the late night's Sankirtana!

With pain in my heart, I am remembering those sweet moments I had with Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Gosvami Maharaj and those divine darshans with him, his beautiful and timely instructions for me. Those darshans were kindly arranged by his disciples over the years.

Just as Shri Rupa Gosvami in form and mood resembles Shri Caitanya, Srila Maharaj similarly resembles his Gurudev Shrila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Gosvami Maharaj and Shrila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Gosvami Maharaj.

Reflecting upon the current moment, I want to share an excerpt from an article written by Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Gosvami in the separation of his Gurudev Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada:

"Being distanced from the spiritual master is a source of great pain. We pray that Srila Prabhupada will give us a place at his lotus feet even though we are the most unworthy servants of his servants, so that we may be able to render service to the Divine Couple according to his direction and by following his example. Our only authority to make such an audacious prayer is that we have taken the remnants of his servants food. We know that we have no right to make such a request of you, but to whom can we turn other than you, our spiritual master?

By your grace, everything that would ordinarily be impossible becomes possible in a moment. Though today all our efforts are nothing but a joke, like those of a dwarf who tries to touch the moon, are your blessings not capable of effecting any miracle? Will they not give us a love for chanting the Holy Names without offense? Has Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura not sung of the power of the Holy Name to give us the realization of our eternal spiritual identity?

ishat vikasi punah dekhaya nija-rupa-guna
citta hari laya krishna pasa
purna vikasita hana vraje more jaya lana
dekhaya nija svarupa vilasa

When the Name is even slightly revealed, it shows me my own spiritual form and characteristics. It steals my mind and takes it to Krishna's side. When the Name is fully revealed, it takes me directly to Vraja, where it shows me my personal role in the eternal pastimes.

Thus, by the blessing of the spiritual master, we will be able to receive the mercy of the Holy Name and then, all perfections will come through the Holy Name as Sriman Mahaprabhu Himself promised: iha haite sarva-siddhi haibe sabara.

Service to the guru in affection and love is possible both in this world and the next. The spiritual master is always participating in the eternally pure realm and is never under the thrall of birth and death in this world. One should never think of him as an ordinary mortal. By serving his teachings when he is no longer visible to our mundane eyes, we can get a vision of his transcendental form. Just like the Supreme Lord, the guru knows what is to be known, including all of us, but he is not known to anyone (sa vetti vedyam na ca tasyasti vetta).

We cannot know him through our own power; it is only when he mercifully decides to reveal himself to us that we will achieve the great fortune of being able to see him. Therefore, the famous saying, guru-kripa hi kevalam (the spiritual master's blessings are our only salvation) is appropriate.

O Gurudeva, may my mind always repose in the shade of your lotus feet mama matir astam tava pada-kamale."

[Courtesy: Meditations on My Divine Master]

—Raseshvara Das

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