He Bestows the Blessings of Lord Narasiṁhadeva

Around 2012 when Kārtik month was being celebrated in Mayapur, I was attending the festival with my whole family by the mercy of Gurudev. My son Krishna’s tithi birthday was there on the appearance day of Śrila Bhakti Śrīrūpā Siddhāntī Mahārāj. The day before his birthday, I asked one of the sevāks of Gurudev whether he could get darśan of Gurudev on his birthday and they agreed.

That same evening when I was sitting with my kids in the temple hall and listening to hari-kathā, one stranger came and sat with my son. That man had some toys and he was talking with my son. I did not know him and felt that he was not really staying in the maṭh for any good reason.

When we were moving for prasādam, I asked my son, "Why were you talking with that man?"

He replied to me, "Mother, that man was telling me to take these toys into your room and bring all the money from your bags. He told me, I will give you some more toys and if you will not bring anything, then tomorrow I will take you from here."

I told my son that there was no need to talk with such types of people. I said, “Come on, we will go and take prasadam,” but that man came following us, sat in front of Krishna, and stared at him continuously. His eyes were very red as if he had been drinking alcohol. My son got afraid and was not ready to take prasādam. Somehow I consoled him, but that person was still staring at him. My son started vomiting out of fear.

Then one Prabhujī and Sadhu Mahārāj came to ask what happened, so I told them about that man and they threw him out. After that, my son was not ready to go into the room. He was scared and kept on saying that the person would come and take him from here.

Our place was near Radha Kund, so that place is dark all the time. He kept on saying, “I will sleep here with everybody.” After two hours, somehow we took him to the room. That whole night he didn't sleep at all, and soon he caught a fever. The next day was his birthday. On noontime that day, he went alone to get the darśan of Gurudev.

He offered his praṇām and said, “Gurudev, today is my birthday. So please bless me, Gurudev.”

Gurudev asked him, “Do you know Narasiṁha-stuti, Pancha Tattva-mantra, and Mahā-mantra?”

He replied “Yes.”

Then Gurudev asked him to recite these three prayers.

After he recited these prayers, Gurudev asked him, “Why were you getting afraid yesterday? Always recite the Narasiṁha-stuti and Narasiṁhadev will remain with you always. Nobody can harm you spiritually or materially, so there is no need to get afraid. Always recite these prayers four times a day.”

My son offered his  praṇām, took prasādam, and Gurudev blessed him. After he came out, he narrated everything to me. As I was hearing about it, both my son and I started crying.

I don't have any words. What can I say about my Gurudev? He is antaryāmī. Gurudev knows everything: what is there in our hearts, and how we are behaving outside.

—Ekādaśī Dāsi, Mumbai


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