Holding Danda, He Travelled Around the World (Devotional Poetry from China)



The glories of Srila Gurudeva:
(1) One danda is His life.
(2) He stays at ease under all circumstances;
(3) If there is mountain, there must have temple,
(4) Where is not His home?
(5) Holding danda, He traveled around the world,
(6) His lotus feet make the flowers in the holy dhama fragrant;
   (7) His glories spread in the three worlds,
   (8) His mercy spreads throughout the whole universe


(9) A green mountain is a beautiful picture without having been painted;
(10) A flowing river is a musical instrument without a string;
(11) Sri Guru’s universal divine love is so deep and nourishing that it moved the whole world 
(12) His samadhi and disappearance surprised the whole universe without any word.

—Shyamasundar Das, China

translated by Radhika Dasi


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