He Blesses Those Who Wait for More Service

After his North American tour, Guruji returned to Delhi on the 16th of July. There was a grand welcome for him in a spacious well-decorated assembly. Delhi’s respectable personalities were invited amongst whom was Sri Satish Chandra Khandelwal MLA Delhi and respectable Sri Ramamurthi Chief Justice of High Court, Delhi. On the 23rd of July Guruji left New Delhi for Kolkata.

Many devotees went to the Airport to see him off.  I also went. All devotees bade farewell to Guruji by Nama Sankirtan and then Guruji and one of his sevaks entered into the Entry gate. The flight was at 7 o’clock and Guruji entered at 6:10. By 6:30 half of the devotees left for math by their vehicles and half of the devotees remained there in case any service is needed before the flight takes off.

Suddenly around 6:40,  I saw Guruji standing at the entry gate of the Airport and looking at us with affectionate eyes and with a smiling face. We all ran and did pranams to him. Guruji was looking at us, blessing us by smiling at us with folded hands, and waving his hands and spreading affection. It was as if the whole family has come to see off their father and the father was telling the children, now you can leave. You were worried about me so I came outside to give you the assurance that everything is fine and now I am getting on the plane.

This shows how very kind-hearted, how very merciful our Guruji is, in whom we can experience affection of a mother and father, and how he always thinks about the eternal welfare of his disciples. In spite of being a great personality of the highest order, he is totally devoted to the eternal welfare of lowest creatures as we.

—Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 68-69) submitted by Usha Bareja, Janakpuri, Delhi


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