He Rushes For The Opportunity To Greet Sri Guruvarga

Once during Janmashtami I was in Kolkata. Like every year Param Pujyapad Bhakti Kumud Sant Goswami Maharaj came to our math during the festival for prasad and for speaking Harikatha. Climbing the first flight of steps, he sat on the cot next to Param Pujyapad Trivikram Maharaj in his room adjacent to the office room. Pujyapad Janardhan Maharaj indicated to me to inform Guru Maharaj about his arrival.

I ran and found Guru Maharaj in his room sitting on a chair and busy in his writing. When I whispered to him, he immediately got up leaving aside whatever he was doing and he told me, “If I do not haste now Srila Sant Maharaj will arrive here right away. I have to go to him.” With quick steps he climbed down the stairs and proceeded to Srila Sant Maharaj’s room. Guruji did shastanga dandavat pranams (prostrated obeisance) to him and stood with folded hands and in humble words spoke to him.

He did not sit before him, he remained standing giving due respects to him. When Pujyapad Sant Maharaj specifically ordered him to sit, he sat very hesitantly on a small stool lying near by, did not take the chair though. Guruji’s this way of conduct has left a permanent impression on my mind.

Param Pujyapad Sant Maharaj once even told me “Your Guruji has great regard for his Guruvarga. He does not have even the least ego in spite of being the highest authority of such big maths. He offers his shastang dandavat pranams to his Guruvarga as soon as he sees them.”

In his Harikathas Guru Maharaj uses in great spontaneity appropriate words in expressing his special regards to Guruvarga wherever he chances. In order to establish some statements he gives instances in relation to his Guruvarga. I heard from one of the tridandi sanyasis of Param Pujyapad Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Dev Goswami Maharaj that Guru Maharaj has this very special quality of giving examples of his Guruvarga to establish some statements.

Even to his god-brothers he had great regard. One time Guruji had arrived for the religious congregation in New Delhi and was in his room at Punjabi bagh. I was also there when suddenly 3-4 householder god-brothers of Guruji entered the room. Even before they could bow down Guruji bent down and did panchang pranams (obeisance) to them. It was so sudden and unexpected, they were baffled.

—Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 27-39) Sri Krishnananda Dasadhikari (Kuldeep Chopra, Bhatinda)


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