He Tolerates Our Offenses and Immerses Himself in Kirtan

Once Srila Guru Maharaj addressed one brahmachari by name and asked him to sing a particular kirtan, but surprisingly that brahmachari sat quietly without doing what he asked. So I thought he did not hear Guruji’s instructions.  I took his name and told him, “Prabhuji Guru Maharaj is asking you to sing this particular kirtan.”  

He murmured in anger that Maharaj does not think which kirtan to be sung in which place.  He started a kirtan of his own choice.  Then I told him, “Prabhuji, Maharaj has asked you to sing this particular kirtan.”  Then in great anger he said take this mike and you sing the kirtan.  I was dumb-struck and did not know what to do.  

After some time, the same kirtan which he had not started, he sang.  Srila Guru Maharaj, in spite of seeing the whole happening, acted as though he did not hear or see anything and as if nothing has happened. He got immersed in singing the kirtan.  It came to my mind that what can be a better example of Srila Guru Maharaj’s tolerance than this incidence?  

I presented this instance as I had witnessed, but pray to the Vaishnavas that they do not consider it my offense.

—Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 56-60)  by Sri Partha Sarati Das (Om Prakash Lumba), Bhatinda 


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