His Anger Only Comes in Service to Śrī Guru

Mahārāj has a very, very strong dedication to Śrī Guru within him. There are many instances of this when we were trying to recover Sri Prabhupāda's janmasthān in Purī. Many tenants were there and some of them had developed enmity towards us. Sometimes they used to trouble us very much by making fun of us and by eating fish and throwing bits of fish into our rooms. 

One time Guru Mahārāj [Śrīmad Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāja] had come to Purī. We were all coming from somewhere to the place where our maṭha now stands. One tenant came in front of Guru Mahārāj with a plate full of onion fries and expressing artificial humility said, “Mahārājī, I am very poor, I cannot serve you properly, please mercifully accept these few fries I have brought for you.” He did this even though he was fully aware of the fact that we do not eat onions; he did this with the intention to make fun of us.

Gurujī glanced at the plate he was holding and hearing his words, answered smilingly, “You know very well that we do not eat onion, etc.” In spite of hearing Gurujī’s words, the man acted like he did not hear him, and continuing to express artificial, exaggerated humbleness, he started to walk along with Gurujī along the back steps with the plate in his hand. 

Seeing the tenant making fun of Guru Mahārāj, Śrīla Tirtha Mahārāj’s eyes turned red in anger. His whole body started to tremble and he folded his left hand into a fist. Continuing to tremble, he raised that fist up in the air, thundering with the words, “What are you saying? This is not correct; you are playing with fire. It is not good to play with fire, it will burn you. You have to suffer the results. For sure you have to suffer.” 

Seeing Mahārāj trembling like this I was afraid. Normally Mahārāj is very quiet and peaceful, but in front of him if someone disrespects his Gurudev how will he tolerate it?

—Sri Bhakti Saurabh Ācārya Mahārāj 

Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 10) 

Another account of this incident is here: https://tirthagoswami.blogspot.in/2016/12/his-divine-anger.html


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