He Surrendered Himself Completely

He was always hearing Harikatha of Gurudev with great interest, very deeply. He always used to perform kirtan of srauta vani. Whatever he had heard from Gurudev, he always used to repeat that in Harikatha. In general talks, there was nothing else he used to speak. The only thing he used to repeat was whatever he has heard from Gurudev and that's why many of his godbrothers they used to call him Gurudev’s tape recorder. Repeating whatever he heard from Gurudev is one of his very special qualities.

He was very shy to speak Harikatha. Once Yayavar Maharaj in a Dharma Sabha ordered Tirtha Maharaj to speak Harikatha and said "that now he will speak". There is a specialty I have seen in Guruvargas that those who want to speak they don't give them the chance and give chances to those who don't want to speak so he would only speak by the order of Guruvargas. He was very grave, always hearing Harikatha attentively, and serving the Vaishnavas.

The pure devotees acquire all the qualities of Krishna. Krishna is also having these qualities, the place where gravity is required he is very grave, the time when he is speaking with Arjuna he is very grave, but in some different pastimes he is also showing humor. He is very humble, expert in everything, and the main thing which can always be seen in him that is surrender. How he has surrendered himself completely. He has always kept himself engaged in the service of Guru, Vaishnavas, and Bhagavan that he has practiced in his life and also showed. He is the perfect example of a pure devotee.

Those who do good association, they become more humble. We were very affectionate to each other but others will not understand this from outside.

—Param Pujyapad Srila Bhakti Vigyan Bharati Maharaj (English translation of his offering at Srila Gurudeva's Vyasa Puja, 2014)


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