He Smiled and Said, "We Should Always Think of Supreme Lord, Isn't It?"

For the last two days, I was thinking with regret to Gurudev that I'm too much attached to my mind (thinking about this or that, speculation, imagination ... even imagination about Krishna etc.) and instead my mind should go to Krishna and what should I do?

Today after He watered Tulsi He all-knowingly and smilingly looked at me and said : "How are you? Any difficulty?" I also smiled and only indicated by gesturing with my fingers that I had some little difficulty. Gurudev smiled and said, "You should always think of Supreme Lord. He will rescue us, isn't it?

jalaja nava laksani sthavara laksa vimsati
krmayo rudra-sankhyakah paksinam dasa laksanam
trimsal laksani pasavah catur laksani manusah

(There are 900,000 kinds of aquatics, 2,000,000 kinds of trees and plants, 1,100,000 kinds of insects and reptiles, 1,000,000 kinds of birds, 3,000,000 kinds of four-legged beasts, and 400,000 kinds of human species)

Human birth is small in number and we can worship Supreme Lord. You should always think of Supreme Lord, Krishna. You should think what He wants and do that." Then He smiled and said: "Isn't it?" I smiled and said yes.

—Madan Gopal Das, Slovenia

(Note that this is written in the present tense as it is an excerpt from a journal entry.)


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