He Bore All Discomforts Undisturbed

In the 1980s, during Vraja-maṇḍala parikramā in Kāmyavana, Śrīla Guru Mahārāja's stay was arranged on the first floor of Śrī Jagannātha Mandir in a small corner room. It had a low roof with no fan and also no windows or any ventilation for the breeze to enter in. 

Early in the morning, I went to his room to offer him praṇām and I found him sitting and using a hand fan. I learned from him that he had been awake the whole night like that, sitting and using the hand fan. He is the highest authority of so many big maṭhs but still, he is enduring this sort of discomfort, yet there was no sign of anxiety on his face. A patient smile adorned his lotus face.

There are many such instances where Śrīla Guru Mahārāja patiently bore all the physical and mental discomforts. Whether in Simla on the bed full of bed bugs or in Dehradun in a cot full of mosquitoes, he remained undisturbed. 

I have seen him walk barefoot undisturbed even while he had a fever and blisters on his feet. Even when he was severely thirsty after being in sun for long hours without water, he was never found agitated or disturbed. His only concern is others’ conveniences and comforts. He would adjust himself easily in the worst of the worst conditions. Only a tolerant person can see an adjustment in all situations. 

These physical challenges usually increased manyfold when he is traveling. I have seen personally people’s heavy shoe blows on Guru Mahārāja’s bare lotus feet as he was wearing only khaḍāūṃ (wooden slippers) when he was looking at the reservation chart at the over-crowed Kolkata Railway station. 

While traveling in the crowded train in II class sleeper, I witnessed him sitting for hours together in a seat with very limited space and very restricted movements and he would even keep guard of the luggage too. I have seen his constant adjustments when traveling in crowded trains amongst people eating all edible-non-edible stuff, playing cards, smoking cigarettes, drinking liquor, and spreading foul smells. 

I have heard from senior Vaiṣṇavas that during Param Gurudev’s physical presence, Guru Mahārāja had to stay for a long time at Puri through litigation regarding the reclaiming of Puri Maṭh (Prabhupāda’s birthplace). There were many tenants there whose behavior was most dreadful. They would eat and then spit or throw thorny fishbones on Gurujī. He bore with all this quietly to serve and fulfill his Gurudev’s desire. 

—Śrī Kṛṣṇānanda Dasadhikāri (Kuldeepjī)

Translated from Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 27-39)


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