He is Overwhelmed by Divine Feelings During Kīrtan on Vraja-mandala Parikramā

Some years ago, I had got the good fortune of participating in the month-long Vraja-mandala parikramā. With my own eyes, I saw the place where Lord Śri Kṛṣṇa had taken food along with his cowherd friends; imprints of bowls, spoons, and plates are still found there.

While speaking harikathā at that place, Guru Mahārāja went into ecstatic feelings and started singing kirtan.

yasomati stanya-payi sri-nanda-nandana
indra-nila-mani vraja-janera jivana

After singing about three stanzas, he could not do further. Overwhelmed by divine feelings, he started crying so much that even after twenty or thirty minutes, he could not control himself.

I signaled to Śripād Kuldeep Prabhu to put the tape-recorder in front of Gurujī. Once when he placed it in front, Śrila Gurudev’s hand movements pushed it behind. I did not get the courage to ask him a second time. I somehow managed to push the tape recorder in front of myself and got the cassette recording. I still have that cassette with me. Such wonderful pastimes cannot be expressed in words.

—Vishnupriya Agrawal, New Delhi

Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 61-62)


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