He Was in Everyone's Hearts as They Sang

Gaursundar Prabhu was there in Guwahati hospital, and he started doing kirtan for the first time. There was space near the hospital, and the arrangement was such that Gurudev was moved to another separate room. It was near an empty building next to the hospital. Gaurasundar Prabhu started doing kirtan there and the sound of kirtan went directly to Guru Maharaj's room. That was his arrangement.

Muni Maharaj was there and he sang, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu, doya koro more. I still remember the mood with which he sang. That time, moods of material discomforts, they all disappeared. Everyone was filled with deep feelings for Gurudev, and with that mood they sang. Everybody had Gurudev in their mind, in their heart. The full mood was with Gurudev.

Being a part of that kirtan, was really a different experience. That time I took a snap just to remember that, I still have that snap. It was altogether a different atmosphere that time.

Then the kirtan started regularly for those two-three days. He used to come and do kirtan, Muni Maharaj used to do kirtan. We also came to know from the servants that Guru Maharaj is responding to the kirtans. As soon as the slightest of messages came from the sevak teams, it gave so much enthusiasm to whoever was there and doing kirtans.

—Nandulal Das, Kolkata


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