His Self Sacrifice in Bestowing the Mercy of the Holy Name

I had never seen Guruji lose his temper. To even an ineligible fallen disciple like me, Guruji inspires me to become good through his love and affection, just like Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did. Most of the time, Guruji would not get to eat and take rest at night, but we have never seen Guruji is disturbed because of that.

Many times he had no time for rest also. One would find him all the time engaged in loving conversations with any person, disciple or householder devotee who came to meet him without bothering about his own needs, body, or health. Whenever someone prayerfully requested to Guruji that he needed to take rest, and how essential that was, he would always say that it would be good if life air leaves the body while speaking Harikatha. He would further say that it is good that people always engage him in speaking Harikatha.

It was like this for Harinam, Sankirtan, and during prachar, Guruji went from village to village, town to town, and bore various types of difficulties. Even when organizers are not able to arrange well for Guruji’s accommodation or his prasad etc, Guruji  would still go from place to place and perform kirtans and Harikatha with great enthusiasm and vigor without caring in the least of his body or health.

In Amritsar in 1996 after kirtan prachar for the entire day,  Guruji could not rest the whole night because of Navaratra programs outside. In spite of that, the next day Guruji went about performing Sankirtan and Harikatha like any other normal day.

—Purushottam Das (Punjab)

translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 63-65)


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