He Asks Forgiveness On Our Behalf

I experienced the glories of Harinam in Punjab where I stayed in a dharamshala (lodge) with Guru Maharaj, Sri Trivikram Maharaj, and Sri Krishnadas Babaji Maharaj.

In that lodge, Gurudev and all Vaishnavas used to get up early morning at about 4 AM, but we were young boys who liked to sleep late. At that time, Gurudev started singing kirtans such as Shadgoswami Ashtakam and verses from Gita. It used to be so nice and so loud, we could hear him from a long distance. There was silence and all were hearing Gurudev’s stava. It was nice, so pleasing and soothing to the heart to listen to the clear sound of Gurudev giving such long "jais" to Thakurjis of various maths like Krishnanagar, Kolkata, Assam, etc. 

We asked Guruji why he gave "jais" to all Thakurjis from all maths, since usually we only give "jais" to the Thakurji of the math we're staying in. He replied that different maths have different Thakurjis and different sevaks are serving them. He said if there is any offence or lack of service by any sevak in any math, then I am responsible for that. I should remember all Thakurjis and pray for forgiveness from them for any kind of offence that may be there. 

There are many times while serving Gurudev that we made mistakes such as touching Guruji’s feet with ours, hitting Guruji’s plate with our feet, or touching Gurudev’s asan with our feet. This kind of offence in the temple also happens by pujaris, and when we come out of the room, we offer obeisances and ask for forgiveness and it is forgiven. 

Gurudev said for such offences, you should not worry. He emphasized that we are sevaks, we need not worry. "While serving, your offences will not be counted, but I am responsible, so my offences will be counted, so I need to glorify each and every Thakurji and seek their forgiveness," he explained. This was why he was giving "jais" to Thakurjis of all the maths.

—Anantaram Das, Kolkata


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