He Lets His Gurudeva Do The Chastising

Everyone is aware of the controversies that have prevailed in the maṭha, but not a single word of abuse from Gurujī’s mouth was ever heard. During one particular incident In Kolkata maṭha, an ordinary meeting was called. Everyone expressed their faith in Guru Mahārāj and decided to take some stern steps toward envious people. They thought he would attend, but he did not.

My Guru-varga Vaidya Om Prakashjī said that he went to Gurudev’s room and prayed to him that he should control the disputing parties, but Gurudev replied, “I have come to the maṭha to perform devotion. Our Gurudev will control or discipline others.  Whatever is happening here is all by Gurudev’s desire and we should not be disturbed by this.

—Śrī Partha Sarati Das, Bhatinda 

Translated from Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Sandesh, July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4)


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