Ever Servant, Never Master

Today is the most auspicious day to the entire universe for the dearest of the Lord and Lord Krishna himself in the form of Sri Rama appeared in this mortal world to grace all conditioned souls. Who can imagine how much sweetness and grace are on them?

How much of a fool I am, that in spite of having received many instructions from Him and had received His infinite and causeless love and affection I still pass my days 'happily' in this miserable world? 

It seems that a stone-like heart as mine takes bath on His holy sweetness of love and affection only when 'bound' by His glorious appearance day. Who can imagine when, on this earth, such an Acharya will appear again to rescue the souls of this world? Who can have the attitude of Bharat, when he was given the whole kingdom by his father? Who can have the attitude of Patit Pavan Guru Maharaj when he was asked to be Acharya of all of His Gurudev Maths? 

In the present day when almost all are eager to become guru and acharyas, this divine personality refused everything with utmost sincerity and humbleness and only when his Guru Varga told Him that it would be aparadha to not follow His Gurudev words, only then He accepted the post just as Bharat accepted the kingdom. 

Putting the sandals of Rama (and of His Gurudev) in the main temple, páying obeisances and worshipping those divine sandals, these two great devotees of the Lord, ruled their functions as servant sand never as masters. 

When will such loyalty and devotion will enter in my heart so that I can be a true devotee? Perhaps by His divine grace, it will be possible someday.

On this most auspicious day, I pray to Him, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, who can give his blessings to this fallen soul so that soon I can meet my desirable object of worship and serve Him in his same mood so that my life becomes successful. All Glories to Vaishnava Sarvabhauma Guru Maharaj. All Glories to Sri Rama and Sri Bharat.

—Baladev Das, Brazil 
Vyasa puja offering, 2013


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