Receiving His Darshan Internally

Is Gurudeva's darshan possible on internet? Gurudeva also used to tell no to photos. By only seeing a photo of the body, will it serve any purpose? Puri Goswami Maharaj said: what is the use of tape recording? Tape record here (pointing to the heart.) There cannot be any attachments to those who had darshan of Guru, Vaishnav, and Bhagavan. Guru is the mercy embodiment of Bhagavan, so to have the darshan of Guru we need internal eyes, eyes with which we can have darshan of Bhagavan.

Gurudeva's katha itself is Gurudeva. Inside katha, he is there! Bhagavan's katha itself is Bhagavan, so Gurudeva says, give your ears and hear katha, through ears you have darshan, not by eyes. Sri Rupa Goswami said: atah Sri Krishna namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaiah... We have heard Sakshi Gopal's story... do we see Him so?

Is Gurudeva's photo and Internet darshan not the same? What is not an object of material senses, can you see with your material eyes? Without his darshan, do you not have his darshan?

One devotee requested Param Gurudev to attend his father's last rites. Param Gurudev told Giri Maharaj and our Gurudev to visit that place as Param Gurudev was busy with some other engagement. When the two reached, they are surprised to hear that Param Gurudev had visited and just left. He came before them and left. How he came?

We pray to Gurudeva from within heart, Gurudeva will appear before us. Raghunath das Goswami did dahi chiwda mahotsav in Panihati. Did Mahaprabhu not appear there? Bhagavan and siddha purush can appear anywhere. Any devotee from however far he is, he can have darshan of Gurudeva. Whether the benefit of darshan on the internet is there or not I cannot say, but can surely say that by these material eyes we cannot have darshan of Guru, Vaishnavas or Bhagavan.

Brahma said : In whose eyes there is no bhakti, prema, what darshan he will have? If we do not have internal darshan then how can we see externally? Premananjana chakshu... One darshan and all his vishaya vasana will be gone. Bhagavan's karunamaya murthi, mercy incarnation is Gurudeva, how much he has compassion on us we will realise it when he graces. Swayam eva spurate adah... He will give darshan always to his antaranga bhakta.

How to have sadhusanga? Bring in his acharan in your life, follow his instructions. Gurudeva is not here? He is behind a surrendered devotee/disciple, always behind him. Such a disciple never is deprived of His company. He thinks gurudeva is with me even in my dreams, and when wakeful, in all my actions, he will protect me/rescue me. Internet over means darshan over? Gurudeva is behind us always. Just remembering and praying to Gurudeva about the problem which I perceive is there, it is gone. This is my experience. Darshan happens by aprakrta senses.

Srila Bhakti Kushal Padmanabha Maharaj

transcribed and translated from an online broadcast from Jaipur, 5/5/2016

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