Raising His Arms in Sankirtan, the Spiritual World Descended

I heard Pujyapad Tridandi Swami Sri Srimad Bhakti Rakshak Narayana Maharaj say that when our Srila Guru Maharaj gives Jayadwani after mangal arati and sandhya arati, his great concentration and absorption of mind and body clearly indicate that he is having their personal audience. With that feeling, he gives Jai to all of them personally.

Pujyapad Bhakti Rakshak Narayana Maharaj had also mentioned that at the beginning of Nagar Sankirtan when he sings the kirtan Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya karo more… followed by Jaya dau Jaya dau loudly with both his hands up, that Srila Param Gurudeva, Srila Prabhupad, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sriman Mahaprabhu and all His associates all manifest there and shower their grace upon him.  

That time the persons present there listening to this kirtan sung by Srila Gurudeva in sweet voice and seeing his beautiful form in that great devotional mood, feel their hearts melt and fill with such bliss as though Goloka Vrindavan has descended.

In Sri Mayapur Dham parikrama and Sri Vraj Mandal parikrama, I personally witnessed Srila Gurudeva performing Nagar sankirtan the whole day. After walking miles and miles barefoot in the dham and after reaching the math in the night, he would sit for Sri Harikatha, completely engrossed in speaking the glories of the Lord. When He sings the kirtan then he immerses his whole body and soul into it.  To date, I have neither seen nor experienced kirtans with such engrossment by anyone. Without divine love, it is impossible.  

—Sri Swarup Damodar Dasadhikari (Satish Agrawal, New Delhi) 

Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 42-46)


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