The Depth of His Love and Respect for the Holy Name

There is no need for any explanation in regard to Srila Guru Maharaj’s engrossment in devotion to Sri Nandanandana Krishna, everyone who has met Guru Maharaj has seen it.  No one can say ‘though, even though’ in regard to his exclusive one-pointed devotion.  His firm faith and love in Bhagavan’s Name, Form and Deity form is unparalleled which I have never seen anywhere in my short life. 

I got an opportunity many times to participate in Srila Gurudev’s annual gatherings at Rajpura.  Srila Gurudev’s morning program was at Sri Satyanarayan temple.  When Guruji reached there he found that carpets were not spread in some places on the floor and so noticed that the names of donors were engraved on some stones.  He then told that among them many names were of the Supreme Lord and how could one walk on them?  He said that the names should not have been engraved on the floor.  

Those stones should have been fixed on the wall.  But now that the stones/tiles cannot be pulled out he said it should not be left open and at least some carpets have to be spread there so that the feet do not touch the names of Supreme Lord. Such firm love for the Holy Name is rarely to be seen.

— Vishvambhar Das (B. L. Chotani), Manasa

Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 47-49) 


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