He Could Not Stop Himself From Dancing Before the Ratha

In 1996 during Ratha-yatra time, Śrīla Gurudeva was advised by the doctors not to bend much and to avoid movements (including dancing and kirtanas) due to a back injury. At that time in Agartala, I personally saw Śrīla Guru Mahārāja bending down to offer full dandavat pranamas (prostrated obeisance) to the Supreme Lord with great difficulty.  

When we objected to his doing this he would say if pranamas were not done before the Supreme Lord then a feeling of pride will remain in the mind.  Morning and evening after arāti-parikramā he would offer pranamas to all vaiṣṇavas along with others.  Also, He could not stop himself from performing dance and kirtana before the ratha.

—Śrī Dāmodara Das (Satish Agrawal, New Delhi)

Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 42-46)


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