He Leaves All Other Work to Care for Devotees

In 1962 I had my first darshan of Maharaj.  I got the chance to associate with him for a longer period when I was sent by Guruji (Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaj) to Jagannath Puri along with him. That was the time when Maharaj was engaged in the service of recovering the birthplace of Prabhupad at Puri.  At that time we stayed together.  

Maharaj was attending to all outside work and I looked after all inside work.  Once while working I got a big blow on my head when I accidentally hit a cupboard.  When he came to know this, Maharaj left all his other work and engaged himself in serving me.  By his own hands, he applied medicine on my head and took me to the doctor.  Seeing Maharaj’s service mood I was surprised.  Even to this day, I am unable to forget this kind act which he extended even when I am very junior to him.

In Puri when we were staying in one ashram I saw that Maharaj was busy always in seva.  I remember that time Guru Maharaj gave me a letter where it was written, “Gauranga Prasad" you always stay along with Tirtha Maharaj.  I and Gaudiya Math have given him great responsibility. You never leave him alone.  There are many enemies.  Anytime anything they may do.”  These words of Guruji are still fresh in my memory.  To follow Guruji’s orders, I always remain with him.

—Pujyapad Sri Bhakti Saurabh Acharya Maharaj

Translated from Chaitanya Sandesh  July-Oct, 1997  (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 10)


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