His Incomparable Contribution to the Vaishnava Family

Dear Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances and all glories to your most revered Gurudev, Om Vishnupad 108 Sri Srimad Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaj, and all glories to His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad 108 Sri Srimad Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

You are a first-class Vaishnava and one of those who inspire thousands around the world to follow the footsteps of the Sri Pancha Tattva and the chanting of the Mahamantra Hare Krishna.

I have known Your Divine Grace since 1999 and it has been a big fortune for me to see how you and our Guru Maharaj Srila Jayapataka Swami meet and work together, to make the Holy dham and the Vaishnava community better, in tune with the orders of both of your revered Gurudevas. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Maharaja.

At your Gurudeva's ashram, our Gurumaharaja came first upon his arrival to India. This shows the respect and love that Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta Swami, has for his very dear Godbrother Srila Madhava Maharaja—that entrusted his disciple to go, stay and learn from His Divine Grace and all of you. This is very touching and important to all of us.

As per your activities and attitude, there is no doubt that you are one of the best preachers in the Gaudiya math, very humble and dedicated to the mission of your Gurudeva and to Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisidhanta Sarawati Thakura. You are very well versed in the sastras, understand the philosophy, and transmit the most genuine knowledge to many people around the world and India. 

Your spiritual master saw in you the right person to carry on the duties of the President of the math and keep on with the preaching activities which is a hard task in this Kaliyuga. This means a lot of responsibility and a very hard way of living with the highest standard in sanctity and preserving always the main vows you made before Madhava Maharaja when you took Sanyassa order.

An Acarya is that devotee who preaches with the example, and you have set the high standards of Vaishnava conduct. I am very much happy and pleased to have always your association and the guidance of a spiritual leader of your caliber, always cooperative and helpful in our missions in serving the holy Dham and the Vaishnava community with the same aim in preserving and protecting the most important places of Sri Gaura mandala, thus pleasing their Lordships Sri Sri Gaurnitai and the mission of our previous Acaryas. 

For me, you are a very sincere, honest, and dedicated devotee that with determination and intelligence, has done an important contribution to the Vaishnava family.

My spiritual father HH Jayapataka Swami has high esteem and respect for Your Divine Grace and for your preaching activities. His Holiness has seen in you a very surrendered devotee, always austere and kind with all the devotees, very respectful in all means, and very inspiring.

 I constantly receive periodical reports of your activities around India with some of your lectures and conclusions which are very accurate and inspiring always. We pray that Always you have good health to preach to as many people as possible and to deliver the message of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and the Mahamantra:

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. 

This was always the desire of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada and the order to all his followers and disciples.

As you know more than me, we became devotees and in touch with the holy places and sadhus of India by the unlimited mercy of your Spiritual uncle and Jagatguru Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who took the most difficult task to preach Krsna Consciousness to the whole world in every town and village by the mercy of his Gurudeva. By his mercy now, we all know and serve each other.

Maharaja, I feel unqualified to even glorify you and to glorify all the great previous acaryas, but I thank you for giving me this opportunity as its for my own fortune to do so. Who am I to talk about first-class Vaishnavas? Whom am I to see the great attributes and qualities of surrendered people to Lord Gauranga? 

Whatever I do is only by the mercy of devotees like your good self and my spiritual master. Thank you also for always giving me very good attention and maha prasad whenever I had the opportunity to visit your math, in either Kolkata or Mayapur dham. I also thank each and everyone who sees all of us with the same transcendental vision and always cooperates together in serving all our previous Acaryas.

I am sure that you have many qualified devotees to always carry on with this important mission to bring many souls to serve the Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Sri Sri Gaurnitai.

May Krsna bless Your Divine Grace always, and may Lord Narasimhadeva protect you and protect your disciples and the followers of the Math in general.

Your eternal servant,

Tusti Mohan Krsna das

(from Vyasa Puja offering, 2013)


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