He Never Complains

I witnessed many times in religious assemblies that Srila Gurudev was speaking Harikatha the whole day through due to the scheduling of so many programs in a day with absolutely no time for him to rest. 

I heard Srila Gurudev say that Vaishnavas have arranged so many programs so that my mind be engaged in thoughts of Supreme Lord and so that my mind does not get to think of worldly matters. He never complained nor questioned any organizer as to why so many programs were fixed in a day.  I have always seen him converse very patiently.  

Considering every activity as Supreme Lord’s will he remained quiet and peaceful always.  Never had I heard or seen in my spiritual life that he was in a disturbed state of mind anytime.

—Vishvambhar Das (B. L. Chotani), Manasa 

Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 47-49) 


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