He Speaks and the Pastimes Descend

When Gurujī narrates the pastimes of Supreme Lord during hari-kathā, he brings that scene before our eyes. When we heard Gurujī speak on the topic of Dhruva-charitra, he repeatedly called out "Where is Padma Palash Lochan Hari?" We would feel as though Dhruva is there with us in person calling out to Supreme Lord.

When narrating Kurukṣetra’s fire sacrifice, he calls, "Gopāl! Gopāl! it is as though mother Yaśodā herself is calling. His hari-kathā overflows with newer and newer sweetnesses and divine mellows. In his hari-kathā, Supreme Lord is personally present there; it bestows extreme bliss. One feels repentance just by listening to his hari-kathā; it cleansed all dirt within the heart. The mind feels encouraged and renewed in enthusiasm to pursue the devotional path, causing hard hearts to soften and melt.

We have never heard Gurudeva ask why so many programs of hari-kathā were arranged for him in a day. In Dehradun on Uttāna Ekādaśī-tithi, Gurujī even told, “I can do hari-kathā the whole night through, but you will be tired of hearing.”

Guru Mahārāj has absolutely no expectation of listeners for his kathās. He does hari-kathā purely for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. His kathā and kirtans have such a special attraction that a sannyāsī of Pūjyapāda Śrīdhara Dev Mahārāj’s Maṭha told me that, “When your Gurujī sings srī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu doyā koro more he is so deeply engrossed in Mahaprabhu’s mood; it is as if some wonderful divine current is passing in the body." He also told that he repeatedly came to hear that kirtan. He further told me that excluding those who have taken shelter of Prabhupāda’s lotus feet, at present in the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava world there is no Ācārya like your Guru Mahārāj.”

—Śrī Kṛṣṇananda Dasadhikari

Translated from Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 27-39)


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