The Powerful Effect of His Words Relate to His Divine Conduct

Sadhu is deena-vatsala. In Srimad Bhagavatam, Nimi Maharaj Navayogendra Samvad, it is said: just half a moment's association with a sadhu has the power to cut off and free an enslaved jiva from worldly life and tribunals. Such power is there in a sadhu's words whose conduct is one with his words and with the scriptures (virayavati katha).

Our Param Gurudev's disciple who is a house-holder hosted Paramgurudev and his group for 3 days at his place in Icchapur for katha before they proceeded on Navadvip Parikrama. Gurudev went to look after arrangements in advance and later stayed for few more days for some work after the program. Then the householder devotee told our Gurudev, if you do not mind, if you do not feel unhappy, I want to say something to you. Gurudev said, you have served so much. Speak your heart, I will not feel bad.

Then he said, your harikatha is just like our Gurudev’s, but the attraction and the power, the weight that is in Gurudev's katha is not felt in your katha. Why is it so? Then Gurudev said, you rightly said, 100% correct. This is because our Gurudev is there in his Harikatha. What he speaks, he acts on that (He practices what he preaches). So, there is life, power in his katha and so it attracts. By his conduct, this power in speech comes.

So it is said, a true saint and harikatha coming from his mouth, both are rare. Pure Harikatha emanates from the mouth of a pure saint. So a pure character saint is very rarely to be seen. 

After the disappearance of our Gurudev, Pujyapad Bharati Maharaj of Sant Gosvami Maharaj's math, told in his harikatha, "A sky is filled with millions of twinkling stars, but their beauty is enhanced by the beautiful moon. If the moon is missing, stars have no beauty and luster. Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Gosvami Maharaj was like a moon in the sky. He was enhancing the beauty of us all. He was the only one in the Vaishnava world who was inspiring us in devotion by his conduct. Now the moon has set and we are lusterless, have no value, worthless. He is the moon and we are tiny stars, of no worth."

A pure Sadhu whose conduct is also pure is rarely found. By such sadhu's association, we will be benefitted. When Sukhdev Gosvami arrived in Parikshit Maharaj's assembly, Parikshit Maharaj sings glories of Vaishnavas. Simply Vaishnav's darshan itself is so very auspicious. "Darshane pavitra kara ei tomar guna." And when such a Sadhu is offered seat, is served by washing his holy feet, offering flowers, feeding him, I cannot describe how glorious such acts would be. So simply by Vaishnav darshan everything is purified, the place where he sets his feet becomes holy pilgrimage, so addressed 'Tirtha pada', his feet are the holy dhama 'tirtha', whose darshan purifies the heart, we are to seek such Sadhu's association.

—Sripad Bhakti Kushal Padmanabha Maharaj
spoken 12/12/2018


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