His Affectionate Advice

Wherever Srila Guru Maharaj may be, he has great affection for every disciple and to give the proof of this I reproduce some portions of his letters received from abroad.

a) I want to know your present health condition after taking Homoeopathic medicine as per doctor’s prescription of Calcutta along with Allopathic medicine.
b)  I am anxious to get the news of your well-being by return post or phone.

On Feb 28, 1997, I had some heart problem and the doctor advised me to take rest.  For Mayapur parikrama in March 1997, we had our reservations of tickets done in advance but seeing my difficulty my brother and relatives did not wish that I undertake the journey.  When I objected they told me to ask Guru Maharaj and act according to his advice.  I spoke to Guru Maharaj over the telephone and he said “It is good if you come.  Travel comfortably and parikrama can be performed by rickshaw.  If that is also not possible, just staying in the math at least you will get to hear Harikatha.”

—Partha Sarati Das (Om Prakash Lumba), Bhatinda 

Translated from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Sandesh July-Oct, 1997 (Year 17, Issue No.4, Page 56-60)


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